Posts tagged ‘White House’

January 26, 2013

The DC Folly Trolley – 01/25/13

Speaker Briefly Hospitalized.

House Speaker John Boehner was rushed to Bethesda Naval Medical Center shortly after attending a luncheon honoring President Barack Obama’s second inauguration.

The team of physicians attending Boehner pronounced him to be in perfect physical condition with one exception – that was a bent nose he mysteriously suffered during the celebratory meal given in honor of the president.



The Eyes Have It.

If there was a Guinness record for the eye roll, Michelle would hold the top spot.

michelle o


Glowing Speech.

Nice inaugural address by Obama. It contained many liberal elements.. Republicans are aghast; progressives ready to march with the president. Will he be in the parade? That question remains open.


Meanwhile, back at the White House, a spokesman announced today that the President is still in a quandary about which side of his mouth to speak from during his second term – the right or the left.


Given Obama’s indecision regarding the matter, the spokesman said the president will continue to develop his uncanny ability to speak from both sides of his mouth – simultaneously.


Senator Atwitter.

Mitch McConnell maligned Obama’s Inaugural Address as the “return of liberalism.” For a right wing extremist like the Minority Leader, liberalism is spoken of as if it were a fatal disease. Hopefully, the liberal agenda alluded to by the president will ring the death knell for far right radicalism, the political disease which truly afflicts the nation.


Right wing extremists complain
Liberals are beginning to gain
McConnell is flipping
After repeatedly stripping
The Senate of anything germane.


Well, the White House really has its problems now. Talk about your phony fiscal crisis, contrived debt ceiling, the GOP blockade of the Senate, Tea Party domination of the House,etc. all you want. Those issues pale into insignificance since former Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz twitted John Boehner in a text message that “he’s done, finished, the country’s over with.”  Lou’s heart has been crushed by the president’s election victory.

Barack Obama has more bent noses to deal with than he can ever possibly handle.

And as for Lou, well, he still has the memory of his long past glory days – a national championship at Notre Dame – and, of course, his yak job on ESPN to cling to. Better hang on to them Louie Boy.


Sailor Eric Davidson with whatshisname.


Tyrant Retains Control of U.S. Senate

Caesar Augustus McConnell maintained his veto power over all business conducted in the U.S Senate when he wrested an agreement from Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to continue the 60 vote cloture requirement.

In addition to all Republicans, several Democrats opposed elimination of the super-majority vote needed to bust a filibuster.

Caesar Augustus, as well as any of his tribunes, can continue to deny passage of any piece of legislation they find objectionable regardless of the will of the majority.


The Senate was created as an undemocratic institution during the founding days of the Republic and it remains so, in the extreme, even today.

In school we are all taught that our founding fathers were the brilliant originators of an agreement they concocted that has since become known as The Connecticut Compromise. We are told that this arrangement became necessary to settle a dispute between the large and small states over representation in the new government the authors of the Constitution were in the process of creating.

And perhaps this is so. However, the men who drafted the Constitution that contained the Senate knowingly created an undemocratic institution. They were single mindedly focused on creating a government regardless of the consequences it might inflict on future generations. Those Americans who represent a majority are all now victims of the framers actions which must be regarded as woefully lacking in vision.

That institution today contains an incredibly lopsided body that gives sparsely populated states an overwhelming advantage over their large populous brothers.

One dramatic example of the disastrous effects of that tragic compromise is the disproportionate representation of states with huge disparities in population such as between California (about 38,000,000) versus Wyoming (about 600,000). Both states, as we all know, have equal votes in the Senate – a situation that makes a mockery of democracy.

On top of that comes the calamitous filibuster rule which affords any senator of any state dictatorial powers over that ignominious body.

The most recent attempt to end a senator’s veto power is a meaningless fake.

It was, however, supported by numerous Democrats. Why? For one thing, the filibuster provides cover to Democrats who oppose legislation but who are grotesquely two faced and fear the political consequences should they openly admit their opposition.

The Dems sneak around and hide behind the filibuster knowing it provides an excuse that “prevents” them from initiating legislation These deceitful triangulators depend on a GOP patsy to kill the proposals that they would prefer be dead on arrival or not be considered in the first place and thus steadfastly advance the undemocratic nature of that ignominious body.

The message from Harry Reid’s office to all Americans yearning for a greater display of democracy from their government was “tough shit.”


Harry Reid after his battle with the winner and still Emperor of the Senate, Mitch McConnell.

December 26, 2011

The Tower of Babel

We’ve all heard of the Tower of Babel.  But did you know it was located in Washington, DC?  The truth of the matter is there are more than one such towers in the nation’s capital.  Here are the locations of just three edifices of consummate blather.  One is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  Another can be found on E. Capital Street and the third at One First Street NE.

These addresses are of course the sites where you will find the White House, the Congress and the Supreme Court.

The painting is by Abel Grimmer (1570-1619). 

File:Grimmer tower of babel.jpg


Full moon over the Capitol. Yes, it’s definitely something coming from the moon.

File:Full moon night.JPG

                                                                                ( at en.wikipedia)

File:US Capitol DC 2007 003.jpg

Shhhh. Listen carefully and you can hear the howling.